Monday, July 20, 2009

Rebirth of Reason.

...So at another forum, out of the blue some jellytwat came out swinging with both arms attacking the moderator for a variety of issues. The problem is really all of her/his/it's complaints were due to either miscomprehension or hallucinations.

Context provided here...

...How is it possible for one man to make a moral pronouncement about the insanity of Comfort if that pronouncement is void of other opinions? Are you parroting, or is this your own discovery about nutty (Topic of discussion)?

Sorry, Martin, but you must be the stupidest atheist in the world. (Maybe I should copyright that...)

Either morality is a social construct requiring the minds of many to discover and acquire values, or it's a code of values discovered by the work of one mind, of a single individual who's survival depends on what is discovered.

One is an intrinsic J/C/tribal artifact. The other is not.

When so called atheists base their ethical views on dusty Christian/tribal dogma, I'm naturally skeptical of anything they label as "good or evil," "right, or wrong." My life isn't dependent on what you discover about the world, Martin. Nor is your life dependent on mind (sic?).

Our lives are not "social constructs".... Morality isn't something that resides outside of human nature. It's the definition of it on an individual basis.

Don't be so lazy and pick a harder target next time. ...

No hiding here:
Red indicating edits done for OOC comprehension.

I'd like to focus in on the last line

Don't be so lazy and pick a harder target next time

Challenge fucking accepted. Let's see if i can get my snark blog rolling by taking a look at the website they are an "editor" for.

Quick look shows it's a Objectivist promotion site. Now suddenly the attitude makes sense. Seemingly part of the tenets of Objectivism is to be a gigantic vagina to everyone you meet. Remember if you can go throughout the day without someone trying to punch you in the balls/ovaries, you are not a good objectivist.

The front page of course has a picture of Rand. Since you know, the whole philosophy is basically a creepy cult to her. Seriously, I don't know any other school of thought outside of a religion that glorifies their founder so much. Psychiatrists honestly critique Freud and point out his mistakes, Biologists have perfected Darwin's model for evolution, Ideas of Utilitarianism and the like have been tweaked and changed beyond their founders idea; but going against Rand in objectivism is taboo. I'm pretty sure if you dare even suggest that altruism is not a bad thing they'll take away your Steve Ditko decoder ring.

OK enough content less mocking on my part...on to critiquing content.

The first real channel on the site other than home is labeled "WAR" War on what though?

We are in a philosophical war. Instead of bullets and bayonets, we fight with words and ideas. Our enemies are irrationality and the initiation of force, and the people that promote the use of them. The culture is our battlefield, and the stakes are nothing short of the future of Western Civilization. It is a war for men's minds.
Ah, I see... Yes I'm sure going on I will find NOTHING crazy or objectionable about their WAR. Might I note that the site the editor trolled and bitched at has the goal of "Education and promoting positive reputation" of their chosen philosophy. They do not declare WAR on every other point of view. Surely I'm exaggerating though.

If this is a war of ideas, who is the enemy? This question is important not just because it's important to identify clearly what you're up against, but also to identify what you're not up against. In other words, by understanding who our enemies are, we can avoid classifying others in that category.

The line I want to draw is between those that believe bad ideas, and those that promote them. In a war to win men's minds, the former are the people we are trying to reach and persuade. The latter are the ones we have to counter and disprove. Or to keep with the war analogy, the former are the battleground, the latter are the enemies.

The distinction is important. Ideas matter, and those that promote them have a moral responsibility to make sure they're right. This is especially true in the area of politics, where ideas translate into the use of force. This is because ideas drive actions. They are a guiding force that shapes our lives. Their impact is real.

The people that promote violence and destruction are morally responsible for the outcomes they preach. Those that promote faith and subjectivism are no less responsible, although the causal link to the actions is longer. When someone decides to promote ideas, they are also deciding to promote the actions that will result from them.

This should help differentiate the enemies from the victims. Just holding bad ideas does not automatically make someone an enemy. But when they raise arms (ideas) against us, they cross the line. We must emphasize the importance of moral responsibility in promoting ideas.

I'm really not sure what to make of this. I mean on hand yes bad ideas should be put in their place, and it's good they're making the difference between people who have ideas and the ideas themselves and... Well really they're promoting thought crime. They are not attacking the ideas, they are going against the people themselves. If someone has a bad idea really step one should be trying to educate them. This militaristic language just sounds off to me. What the fuck after all is the difference between holding a bad idea and raising it against them? Really it seems to come down to 'we're right they're wrong, FUCK THEM!"

Their enemy list includes Post Modern art, Nietzsche, Ralph Nader, and Liberals. Real bright bunch here. These are the people who think that a cooperation bribing and lobbying to get special treatment is a "Captalist democratic ideal". Bah. It's not fun to read or to rant about. Really the whole site just bores me. It's a constant mish mash of phillisophical wacking off. Same old for objectivist, nothing new really. Bunch of white over pridvledged, well fed ass hats bitching about hwo the poor are hurting them and sucking them dry. Ah a philosophy which calls for personal responsability, but when people try to get a corperation or rich folk to take responsability for the shit they pile on the rest of us (like the PINTO in the case of Nader) then that's just evil commie talk. I'd be worried about them waging a war for our minds and reason, but frankly I think they're about as militaryly adept as Beetled Baily. Yeah so looks like there's not much material there to write on because like most of objectivism there's no content. Like Rand herself it's vaccuous and self important, inheriently narcisistic and anti-social. I'm reminded of Shakepsear.

" is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Thursday, July 16, 2009

More Blasphemy Art


...To Save Wretch LIke Me.

So Glen Beck (new rising star for Fox news, effectively O'Riely's padawan)'s whole story seems to be that he was a drunk a lecher and a druggie...until he found Jesus and is now a good person. Let's see how that goes.

...Christ....what was he like BEFORE Jesus fixed him? This is actually one of the more sane rants by him, but it is the most emotional.

But surely Jesus cured him of being a smarmy pig right?

...Glen Beck sexually harassing people on public TV. Classy.

So how's Beck's "Christian" compassion.

Beck is an example of one of the biggest problems I see with people like him. He assumes that because he found Jesus and thus stopped gallivanting, drinking, and drugging, he is now a good person. He fails to realize that all of that debauchery was not the problem, they were symptoms. His real problem is that he's an asshole. He is the same douchebag now as he was when he was a pot junkie, the only difference is now he gets people telling him his dickery is good because it's for God and Cuntry (sic). I'd actually say he is a worse person now, since now he spews some of the most hatefilled garbage imaginable; sowing fear and hatred towards his fellow man, supporting bigotry and ignorance and hubris. Before all he was doing is baking his own mind into a fine smoldering slag. Glen, for the sake of the species, go back to drinking.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More of my art Symbols and Icons

Yup what it says. Some tattoo (i guess) tribal like emblems and symbols I designed up.

Random Blasphemy

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Russian Spam 1

What is it with Russia and spam? It this the only growth industry the nation has under Putin? Any Russian spam that gets through my filter will have it's subject run through babel fish from now on. Let's see what was so damn important from commie land that my e-mail felt i just HAD to know about it.

Leisure abroad due to the organization
Отдых за рубежом за счет организации

Shocking collection of the Film
Шокирующая коллекция Фильмы

Ah of course...The Film. By The Director.

By Jackie is the vat

Джеки Чан

Jackie stars as THE VAT in THE FILM




Conference of " Cyprus. Possibilities of the tax of: Конференция "КИПР. Возможности налогового


The Catastrophe from the makers of The Film

Cashbox operations - rule, disturbance, the control

Кассовые операции - правила, нарушения, контроль

Tax agent of foreign organization

Налоговый агент иностранной организации.

certification and the estimation of personnel by its forces

аттестация и оценка персонала своими силами

Yeah I got nothing. Damn dirty communist bastards.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Weekly Quotes Out of Context

Welcome to the first WQOoC! Right what it says on the tin, best things I have read or heard over the week...not context provided. Astrix marks those which I can cite and will upon request...citation is left off for now so leave it more random. So...away we go!

"This isn't right!" I screamed. "Your heads don't belong on duck bodies!"*

"There's no right side to pick that up from. It's like a monkey corpse made out of asses"*

"It's just like Twilight only with Vampires!"

Tune in next week folks!